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I’m a client, how do I upload the electrical license for one of my staff?

You can easily upload a copy of a staff certificate or electrical license via your client profile on Training Desk. Here’s the steps

  1. Once you have logged into training desk click on your employee tab and then click on he magifying glas icon on the right hand side
  2. Select certificates tab
  3. Select “Add a manual certificate”
  4. Course Type: start typing “pre-requisite” and select the first option available (Pre-Requisite Evidence for LV Rescue (UETDRMP007 Including: Electrical Licence, OR Certificate for UEECD0007/ UETDREL006, OR ESI/ Electrotechnology Qualification)
  5. Issue Date: Enter the certificate issue date (For a licence, enter today’s date as the Issue Date and enter the expiry date of the licence under the Expiry Date field)
  6. RTO name: Enter RTO name who issued the certificate (For a licence, please enter the issuing state, for example QLD)
  7. RTO number: Enter the RTO number who issued the certificate (For a licence, please type “Electrical licence”)
  8. Certificate number: Enter the certificate number (For a licence, please enter the licence number)
  9. Upload your document and save
    • **A USI transcript is also acceptable**

Once this is complete when you enrol them into a CPR+LVR course our system will automatically recognise that the staff member has met the pre-requsitie requirements.