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Completing An Online Quiz

There are 4 different types of questions that you may have to complete.

  • Multiple choice
  • Written short answer
  • File upload
  • Video upload

Some of these question types will be marked by an assessor (if you are attending a face to face session after completing the online components, your assessor will be your trainer). If any questions are incorrect the assessor will provide you with feedback on your answer.

When you first enter the quiz you will see all of the required questions listed.

Multiple choice questions will require you to select either one (1) or more answer to the question. Once you have selected your answer option/s you must click SUBMIT. If you get a question wrong you can attempt it again.

Written short answer questions will require you to type you answer into the field and click SUBMIT to send for marking.

File upload questions will require that you download a form or document that you need to complete and then upload into the question for marking.

You will be directed to download the form from the link in the question. The document can be completed via two (2) ways.

  • Download, print, complete, scan and upload
  • Download, save to your device, complete electronically and upload

Video upload questions will require you to take a video of yourself giving a verbal explanation and/or a physical demonstration.

Each video upload question contains detailed instructions on how to complete the video upload and how to use your device (computer, phone, tablet) to record your video.